Figure Painting

Painting and Sketching from life is one of the best ways to define progress as an Artist. If you can paint or sketch the human figure correctly; hands, feet, torso and head, other subject matter becomes less intimidating and easier to see from the viewpoint of the Artist. Eliminating or restricting work using live models, drastically reduces the artists potential to see creatively and broadens the connection between the hand and the brain.

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"Rachel" - 18" x 12" - Figure Painting

"County Fair" - 48" x 96" - Figure Painting

"Amanda" - 24" x 18" - Figure Painting

"Nude Conte" - 24" x 36" - Figure Painting (Conte Sketch)

"Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" - 16" x 24" - Figure Painting

"Lisa Nude" - 18" x 36" - Figure Painting

"Nude Charcoal Study" - 12" x 30" - Figure Painting (Charcoal Powder)

"Julia" - 18" x 24" - Figure Painting